(Day 3) Sunday Seb. 20

I might have been sleeping a bit to much yesterday… got up at 5:30 am!
Had some breakfast at the restaurant (good superb food) at floraville and wondered what to do with my day …no possibility for some private mma training today (all the instructors was away fighting) and there is no schedule on Sundays!
Tried to get online.. but the wireless connection sucks… so did some swimming ( good for my shoulder that I managed to fuck-up just 14 days before… but only some muscular damage, the dislocated shoulder popped right back)…. (And here i need to make a note: remember NOT to swim in the sun without sunblock at middel of the day)…got burned :(
But while swimming I met a couple from Australia who became sick on arrival, they seemed nice… but my fucking memory did what it does best.. forgot there names! They told me of the Central mall down town. So after some lunch I went by cap to Phuket town to see this big mall and get some supplies… and quest what … I found a Starbucks (happy me!!!) after walking around for some hours and not getting a clue.. coffee ( with chocolate) and a muffin was pure happiness! ( note to big A… no strawberry / blueberry -pies!!)
Took a cap back at half the price it cost me to get there (200bt) and started this blog, checked my mail and did some Skype/messenger with people back home… day spend!
( 28 days left in thailand!!)